| Season 3 | Episode 1 |
In this episode: Evan, founder of the Caregiver Health Club, announced the new Emotional Eating Course made for the family caregiver. The 12-week intuitive eating program allows for you to break free from sugar cravings and feel in control around food again.

Savy updated us on all the community outreach Gimme A Break has done during the month of November. From running a Caregiver of the Year contest, hosting a pampering day for 300 care-workers in 6 care homes on the island of Oahu, to even delivering 100 prepared meals during the Thanksgiving holiday.
Evan’s news segment shined light on the Essential Caregivers Act. This would allow residents to designate essential caregivers who could continue to provide support, even during a public health emergency. The bill ensures necessary access for caregivers while also maintaining safety standards and protocols at the facilities.
Special Offer:
Caregiver Health Club - NEW! Emotional Eating Course - December Special $179. Break free from sugar cravings and feel in control around food in 90-days. Weekly coaching, meal plans, and health tracking support included.
Recommended Resources:
Caregiver Health Club - The leading wellness program for caregivers with pre and type-2 diabetes. Get your sugar under control, lower your A1C levels, reduce medications, lose weight, and feel great again
Gimme A Break - Non-profit for caregivers aiming to bring back joy to caregiving, free weekly support sessions offering caregivers a chance to relax, renew, resource and revive. Register or register a caregiver for a break.
Givers Guides Magazine - The complete caregiver resource guide. Get your first issue today, as 100% of all profits are donated to support Gimme A Break.
Evan Kharrazi - founder of Caregiver Health Club, certified caregiver nutrition coach, and ambassador at the American Kidney Fund
Savy Makalena - founder of Gimme a Break and Givers Guides
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