| Season 6 | Episode 2 |

Welcome to Season 6, Episode 2 of the Caring Caregiver Show, sponsored by Givers Guides online magazine, your guide to Caregiving! We are lifelong caregivers on a mission to bring community to those who selflessly put others first. We want you to know that you too have a hand to hold and when together, we can make the caregiver journey a little easier for us all. We’re here to bring back the joy of Caregiving, we help Caregivers RELAX – RENEW –RESOURCE – REVIVE, because we know you’re tired and frustrated and you DESERVE some "CARING"
Join me as we welcome Dr. Elizabeth Landsverk (Dr. Liz) who will tell us about an education and telehealth group providing expert insights to caregivers and elder care professionals!
Special Offer:
Dr. Liz Geriatrics - Get a free mini-consultation with Dr Liz herself (Value: $200): Get recommendations to immediately help your beloved person with dementia + get 15% off a follow-up appointment. Click here and use code SAVY15
From this Episode:
Dr. Liz Geriatrics - An education and advisory organization, providing effective, interesting, (and sometimes entertaining) educational knowledge and telehealth help to those on the front line caring for elders
Our Resources:
Gimme a Break - Non profit for caregivers aiming to bring back joy to caregiving, weekly support sessions offering caregivers a chance to relax, renew, resource and revive - Register or register a caregiver for a break.
Givers Guides Magazine - The complete caregiver resource guide. Get your first issue today, as 100% of all profits are donated to support Gimme A Break.
Savy Makalena - founder of Gimme a Break and Givers Guides
Connect with the Caring Caregiver Show:
Facebook Page : Caring Caregiver Show
Instagram: caringcaregivershow
Website: www.caringcaregivershow.com
Facebook Group: Click Here to Join